things i'll miss about america
well, it's official. i'm leaving the US again and heading back to the homeland. i have truly enjoyed being here and there are some things i'll really miss.
10. this. sitting in the coffee shop drinking coffee and watching the world go by.
9. i got to mow our lawn the other day and that was pretty much pure bliss.
8. the noog. it's funny how you fall in love with places. but i love chattanooga. i love this city, the crazy people who live and work here and the pattern of life.
7. running without being pattered with comments. " we, mzungu!" "mchumba! nisalimie!" "chagua obama!"
6. new city... aka the mother ship. especially the likes of j'dub, randy, and the rest of the folk there.
5. living down the street from the talley/herron clan and other various and sundry friends and 'family'.
4. hamburgers. this is my last hamburger i will consume in america. sad day.
3. the front step at 4703 from whence i can see the comings and goings of my neighbors, the guy across the way fighting with lawn mower, yell at people driving too fast down our 25 mph street, and get asked out by the internet cable guy.
also where i have re-lived paul's journeys through the roman world, rewalked jesus' steps through palestine and to the cross, and generally realized again the wonder of our God through reading the new testament in my swahili bible in preparation to head back.anna took these shots while we were hanging on the porch one day.
2. mr. t's icecream. i haven't been in chatt-town as much as i had wanted to be when i made plans to come back but each time i've been here i'm made a point of heading over to mr t's and grabbing a waffle cone.
1. the fam. here are some pics from a visit to my sister and her family in st louis. good times. note the matching shirts... we made them. yeah, sarah's the craft making bomb.
my favorite part of this picture is joanna's feet. they're so cute.